
We continually are asked by interested men, "How can I get involved?" or "How can I help support the mission?".
One of the most impactful ways to jump in and become a part of the In His Grip community is to become an In His Grip Ambassador. Simply put, it is a volunteer membership that not only supports In His Grip financially, but also is a fun opportunity to be an advocate for establishing safe relationships with other like-minded men.

The Ambassador Membership at $1,000 annually or $100 monthly is an all-in "I faithfully endorse your mission" annual commitment that has many benefits.

We will send you a gift that has  "In His Grip Golf" gear from our partner Straight Down a premiere golf and lifestyle brand.  

Join Us In The Mission

Monthly payment: ($900 net-tax deductible charitable donation)
Annual payment: ($700 net-tax deductible charitable donation)

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 In His Grip Members are asked to commit to live according to the following scriptures.

I will be a disciple of Jesus and reach others for Christ (John 15:16)
I will be committed to have a tee time everyday spending time in God's word (Joshua 1:8)
I will be faithful in my marriage to honor and love my wife (Mark 10:9)
I will build others up and encourage their walk in Christ (Hebrews 10:2425)
I will keep myself and others accountable to live out In His Grip (Proverbs 27:17)
I will honor the Lord with my Eyes, Ears, Tongue and Body (Romans 12:1-2) (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
I will be a leader in my home and set an example to my wife and children of how to live In His Grip (Proverbs 22:6)